Liqua Zen Z468
The Main Issue of Pool Maintenance
Cloudy Water
Water with no clarity can be caused by its abnormal pH value. A swimming pool should have a pH between 6.8 – 7.2 (balanced pH). A pH that is too acidic or too much alkaline could imposed harm to our health.
Green Water
When the pool water turns green, it could be a sign that the pool is filled with algae. The green and murky color indicates the presence of a lot of dirt from small particles, such as bacteria and fungi. To clean the pool, treatment with a certain chemical called a microbiocide is needed.
Conventional Solutions
Chlorine could kill microbes however, excessive chlorine can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and lungs. The smell of chlorine can also be disturbing when swimming.
PAC (Poly Aluminum Chloride) is a polymer that does not contain carbon and can coagulate dirt in water. PAC is good for several things because of its high charge. However, PAC is a metal that is dangerous if consumed.
Copper Sulfate is a chemical substance that can prevent algae and make pool water clean and blue. However, copper sulfate is also dangerous like PAC because it is a metal.
The Best Solutions
Liqua Zen Z468Â is a new product that can be used together with chlorine to maintain swimming pools. Liqua Zen Z468 contains a concentrated polymeric microbiocide that is effective in eliminating microorganisms and makes your swimming pool clear without causing irritation to the eyes and skin, as well as being cost-effective.
Get Liqua Zen Z468 From PT GLS
PT Gapura Liqua Solutions reflect our commitment to control the product quality by working closely with our strategic business partners, mostly leading components manufacturing firms in the field of water treatment, waste water treatment, desalination, and resources recovery.
You will guarantee product originality, advisory for your water system, and taking care by our skilled engineer to meet your business goals. Contact us now!